Saving demand data
Note: When you save demand data, attribute values are saved with a specific number of decimal places (Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys). |
1. Click the black triangle of the Save button.
2. Select the entry Save file as > Demand data.
The Save demand data window opens.
3. Enter the file name and the path, if required.
4. Click the Save button.
The Save demand file window opens.
5. If necessary, reduce the amount of data to be saved to file.
Element |
Description |
Hide attributes with default values |
Tip Use this option to reduce file size.
Note You can find the default attribute values in the Attribute.xls file in the ...\Program files\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Doc folder. |
Hide empty tables |
Hide calculated attributes |
Tip Saving calculated attributes can be useful for further evaluation purposes, such as an analysis in a database. Note Calculated attributes are ignored during the reading process. |
Hide indirect attributes |
Note Indirect attributes are ignored when opening the file. |
6. Select the data tables you want to save to file.
Element |
Description |
The table has been selected and will be saved to file. |
The table has not been selected and will not be saved to file. Note The Version data block table cannot be disabled. |
Edit marking |
In the list of tables, you can select several entries by holding down the Ctrl key. You can then use the button to include all markings of tables and attributes in the selection or remove them from the selection. You can also select or deselect all direct attributes of the marked tables. |
Save selection/Open selection | You can save the currently selected tables and attributes as a network file *.net without content and read them again later as defaults (Reading a selection from a demand data file). |
Check all tables |
Via this button, you may check all tables. Note The status of the attributes in the tables remains unchanged. |
Uncheck all tables |
Use this button to deselect all tables except Version block. Note The status of the attributes in the tables remains unchanged. |
Predefined cases |
The data required for description of the objects of a particular network object type are stored in just a single or in multiple tables. Link object data, e.g., are included in the Link table. Links with an edited shape are additionally part of the data block Link polygons. Use this button to select all data tables required for the description of specific network objects (so-called use cases) and their attributes at the same time. |
7. Click a table name.
The table attributes are displayed.
Tip: Click the Ctrl key and keep it pressed while clicking multiple tables one by one to show the attributes of these tables simultaneously. |
Note: Due to current option settings in the upper section of the window possibly not all of the attributes might be displayed by table. |
8. Select the attributes you want to save to file.
Element |
Description |
The attribute has been selected and is saved to file. |
The attribute has not been selected and is not saved to file. |
The attribute is a key attribute and cannot be switched off. Key attributes are attributes which serve for unique identification of demand objects. |
The attribute is a mandatory attribute and cannot be excluded. |
Attribute groups |
Via this button you can either select or switch off predefined groups of attributes in a separate window (Selecting or deselecting groups of attributes for saving data). |
Set default values |
Click this button to hide empty tables and calculated attributes. All other attributes are selected. |
Tip: Alternatively, you may read selected tables and attributes from a demand data file *.dmd (Reading a selection from a demand data file) |
9. Confirm with OK.
The Store matrices to window opens.
Note: The window only opens if you have selected the data table Matrix entries. |
10. Specify for each matrix whether the matrix is saved to the demand data file or as separate matrix file.
Element |
Description |
Format |
(in DMD) If this option has been checked, the particular matrix is saved to the demand data file. Binary, Format V, Format O, Format E, Format S If one of these options has been selected, the selected matrix will be saved as separate matrix file in the selected format (Visum-specific matrix file formats). In the demand data file, only a reference to this matrix is saved. |
File name |
File name and - if applicable - the directory for the matrix which is to be saved as a separate matrix file Via the Notes If you have chosen another format than (in DMD) for a matrix, you will have to enter a file name. The path needs only to be entered if the matrix is not to be saved to the directory specified for this file type (Editing the storage location of files). Tip For file name handling, Copy & Paste can be used. |
11. Confirm with OK.
Demand data is saved according to the current settings.
Selecting or deselecting groups of attributes for saving data
1. Make sure that the Save demand file window is open (Saving demand data).
2. Click the Attribute groups button.
The Switch attribute groups on/off window opens.
3. In the selection list, mark the predefined attribute group you would like to save to file or to exclude from saving.
4. Click the desired button.
Element |
Description |
Activate |
All attributes of the selected groups are enabled. |
Deactivate |
Except key attributes and mandatory attributes, all attributes of the selected group are excluded from saving data to file |
Activate exclusively |
All attributes of the selected group are activated for saving data to file and all attributes of other groups - except key attributes and mandatory attributes - are excluded from saving data to file. |
5. Click the Close button.
Depending on the current settings, the attributes are either selected or deselected.
Saving selected demand data as selection
You can save the selected tables and attributes x as demand file data *.dmd without content and read it later as default.
1. Make sure that the Save demand file window is open (Saving demand data).
2. Click the Save selection button.
The Save demand data window opens.
3. Enter the file name and the path, if required.
4. Click the Save button.
Selected tables and attributes are saved as data block templates without data.
Reading a selection from a demand data file
You can read a selection of tables and attributes from a demand data file or from a demand data file without content which is saved as selection.
1. Make sure that the Save demand file window is open (Saving demand data).
2. Click the Open selection button.
The Open: Demand data window opens.
3. Select the desired file.
4. Click the Open button.
The tables and attributes contained in the demand data file are adopted.